Refund Abatement
Abatement Refunds are used in some towns to process an abatement on an invoice paid in a prior fiscal year. Note, if you are processing an Abatement Refund to an invoice that was paid in the current fiscal year, you will not follow this process -- you will post a beginning balance abatement and assign the subsequent credit to payables. If you are unsure on whether you should use this process, call Avitar.
To post an Abatement Refund, go to your Prior Years database and select the invoice for the property you want to abate (i.e. 2021P02). From the Main Menu, select Abate | Refund Abatement. Enter the abatement amount, reference number (if applicable), and the refund check number. Once the information is complete, click Create. This will now create an abatement and a refund on the current Monthly Balance, Collection Year to Date, and MS-61. To print an abatement report showing this transaction, you must go to your Current Year database. If you have posted an Abatement Refund and need to delete it, you need to go to the Prior Years database and select the invoice to which you posted the Abatement Refund. From the Main Menu, select Abate | Delete Abatement. When the Delete Abatement dialog box displays, click Delete.